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Ministries > Radio Station > Short-wave Listeners

Our short-wave station 4755 kHz is down at the moment - awaiting engineer and parts.

Dear short-wave listener friends around the world. Thank you for listening to our station and sending us reception reports. We have received reports from Japan, the United States, Canada, Finland, Sweden and other countries.

We try to reply to every reception report, but our internet connection is dial-up and we have to discard emails with large attachments. If you want to email us an mp3 file of your recording, please keep the file size very small (< 300 KB) and short. The easiest way for us to verify your report is if you record one of our station ID's; there is an ID every hour on the hour.

We send out QSL cards free of charge. If you wish to help us pay for printing and postage, we are very grateful for your gift in U.S. dollar bills mailed with your reception report. The Cross Radio Station is a Christian ministry of Pacific Mission Aviation, a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization. Thank you very much for keeping us in mind in your prayers and in your giving. Please visit the contribute by giving section of this website for instructions on how to give by check.

We prefer QSL card requests by mail, with your return address label included. However, we also accept QSL card requests by email. Please mention in your reception report that you would like a QSL card mailed to you. We only send QSL cards to listeners who specifically request one. Thanks for your patience upon the arrival of your QSL card, we usually mail them out once some reception reports have piled up.

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Mission News Update Island Echoes 2024-1
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