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Pacific Mission Aviation

Our calling is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by “Bringing Hope, Changing Lives.”  We are committed to sharing the Gospel and delivering essential and life-saving services that profoundly impact the lives of the remote island people of Micronesia and the Philippines.

Fly with Us

Scenic flights, Palau flights, Outer Islands flights, and more.

Our Ministries

Aviation Medevacs, Sea Haven, Orphanage, and more.

Ways to Serve

Become a missionary Pilot, mechanic, pastor, internship, and more.

Stay Connected

Mission news updates, Island Echo, etc.

Who We Are

The primary goal of Pacific Mission Aviation is to glorify God, and make our Lord Jesus Christ known to the peoples of Micronesia and the Philippines. Aircraft and boats are utilized to bring the gospel to remote island peoples who might otherwise remain unreached.

God’s Love is made tangible to those we serve as we meet the needs of the total person – body, soul and spirit. Born out of love and compassion for the people of the islands and a desire to be obedient to the Lord’s command, PMA provides free emergency evacuations, sea searches, rescue and disaster relief, transports medical and food supplies, and provides logistical help to the islands.

In our mission, we’re not just an organization; we’re a compassionate family. We soar through the skies on medical evacuations, scan the vast seas during searches, and keep watchful eyes through surveillance when help is needed. But it doesn’t stop there. We’re also planting churches, nurturing existing island congregations, running an orphanage, and creating safe havens in our learning/youth centers. Our media ministries connect hearts and minds, all guided by the unique needs of the communities we serve.

Learn more about our Ministries & Projects

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”

Matt. 28:19-20

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

John 17:3

Our History

Pacific Mission Aviation (PMA) is an evangelical, multi-faceted mission organization serving in Guam, Micronesia and the Philippines. PMA was born out of love and compassion for the people of the islands and the desire to be obedient to the Lord’s command (Matt. 28:18-20). PMA follows the Biblical concept of God’s love for the total man: body, soul and spirit.

In January of 1956, Pastor Edmund Kalau and his wife Elizabeth started serving as missionaries in Palau and Yap (Micronesia). Pastor Kalau made numerous trips to the outer-islands with the then U.S. Trust Territory-operated field trip ships. On nearly all trips, sick people were taken aboard to be transported to the district center hospitals, but because of the long distances and slowness of the ships, many patients died en route.

Witnessing this again and again, Pastor Kalau was troubled in his heart and mind that there was no better or more effective way to help the outer-island people, especially with their medical needs. The idea of airborne help was envisioned.

Pastor Kalau personally raised funds in the U.S. and Germany and, with another pilot, ferried the first aircraft from U.S. to Yap in July 1974. The Mission Society for which the Kalaus served for over 20 years did not share the vision of an expanded aviation program.

Knowing the needs of the people and how much help could be provided with an airplane, especially in critical medical situations, and more importantly, knowing that this was what God had called them to do, the Kalaus chose to leave the Mission Society they served and obey God’s direction in their lives. With three teenage children in school in the Philippines and no financial support, it was not easy. However, God was good in providing some faithful friends in Germany and the U.S. who came up with a modest support for them along with some extra funds for aircraft maintenance and fuel.

In 1975, PMA was incorporated in Guam, Territory of United States of America. PMA established Mission Stations in Yap and Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, and then in the Republic of Palau. With the same burden for souls in the Philippines, Flying Medical Samaritans (FMS), now Pacific Missionary Aviation, Philippines, was incorporated in 1982 in the Philippines.

The vision continued to expand.

Medical missionary vessels were put into service in Micronesia and the Philippines to reach atolls and islands with no airstrips. Church planting (Pacific Mission Fellowship), nurturing, support and evangelism intensified, especially in areas where once doors were closed, but now open because of the committed services of PMA. Other doors of opportunity opened. PMA was privileged to establish a Maritime and Fisheries Academy with a campus ministry in 1989, in conjunction with the Yap State government. This Academy was turned over to the FSM national government in 1998 and continues to operate to train young men in the maritime and fisheries industry. In Pohnpei, PMA established a Construction, Manpower and Development School, which was also turned over to the local Community College for them to continue this important aspect of training young people for a career. PMA has also established Youth Centers, a print shop, and now a Studio.

In the Philippines, in addition to church planting and nurturing, aviation and medical outreach ministry, an Orphanage was established in Oriental Mindoro, reaching out to children who are abandoned, neglected and abused. A Learning Center was also established to assist indigent families and serve malnourished children in the Polilio Islands. These ministries are geared towards the holistic teaching and nurturing of children.

The underlying vision in all these endeavors is to glorify God and to make our Lord Jesus Christ known primarily to the peoples of Micronesia and the Philippines.